Smiley Clean Mobile App

Product Design

Smiley Clean Cosmetics Hero Image
Smiley Clean Cosmetics
Project TYPE
Product Design
Smiley Clean Mobile App

SmileyClean is a mobile application platform that allows users to select from various well-known locally produced organic hair/body cosmetics while eliminating plastic waste and providing an efficient bottle exchange service. I was in charge of user research, interview scripting and conducting, and synthesizing results. I designed user personas and journeys and conducted user testing. I was also responsible for the complete visual design of the mobile app.

Arrow to the right

SmileyClean is a mobile application platform that allows users to select from various well-known locally produced organic hair/body cosmetics while eliminating plastic waste and providing an efficient bottle exchange service.


I was in charge of user research, interview scripting and conducting, and synthesizing results. I designed user personas and journeys and conducted user testing. I was also responsible for the complete visual design of the mobile app.

Product Goals
  • Select the size of the reusable bottles
  • Selecting products from a variety of high-quality local organic shampoos, conditioners, and body washes
  • Exchanging reusable bottles at convenient neighborhood locations
  • Creating an easy and convenient way to get cosmetics without harming the environment
Business Goals
  • Reduce the amount of plastic in use
  • Sell well-known locally produced products, which people already value and appreciate
  • Create a convenient way for people to source for hair/body cosmetics without harming the environment
  • Reducing the amount of plastic used in cosmetics by 20% within the next five years
dotten line going down
Setting up learning goals, user interview scripts, & conduction of research
Synthesize and analyze the user research patterns. Write problem statements & build user personas
Create moodboards and styleguides. Develop wireframes and design mockups
Perform usability tests, review metrics, track usage, and define the next iteration
Perform usability tests, review metrics, track usage, and inform about the next iteration
Persona photograph
"Plastic is everywhere"
  • Volunteers with local non-profits
  • Age 21 - 35
  • College educated
  • Lives in the city of San Francisco
  • Works at a budding startup in the city
  • Shares an apartment with a friend
needs and goals
  • Needs more plastic-free options
  • Wants convenient sustainable services
  • Does not mind doing an extra step if the results are satisfying
  • Values good quality and ingredients over quantity and value
  • Would like to contribute more to preserving the environment
behaviors and activities
  • Loves socializing with collegues in the office
  • Always looking for new opportunities to volunteer
  • Follows climate change outlets on social media
  • Loves to watch documentaries
  • Uses social media to provoke more sustainable behavior in others
  • Carefully reads labels and chooses products
  • Uses scheduled food delivery services once a week
"Every business has to do its part"
  • Participates in beach clean-ups
  • Age 30-45
  • College educated
  • Lives in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • Business owner
  • Lives with family in a single family home
Persona photograph
needs and goals
  • Loves to have more sustainable options for transportation
  • Wants to create a sustainable delivery for his products
  • Wants to reach more environmenatally-savvy customers
  • Wants to source most of the ingredients for his products locally
  • Wants to include more fair-trade ingredients in his products
behaviors and activities
  • Loves working from home
  • Is involved in community events and organizations
  • Reads scientific publications
  • Loves to chaperone on kids’ school field trips
  • Cares about products’ toxicity and impact
  • Sources his food from local farmer’s markets and farms
Number 1
Sustainability behaviors and activities
Q. What, if anything, do you do to reduce your environmental impact?
Q. How do you feel about recycling? Why?
Number 2
Purchasing behaviors, pains, and joins
Q. Do you consider the type of packaging when making a purchase?
Q. How do you feel about subscription delivery services?
Q. How do you feel about natural/organic products?
Number 3
Cosmetics usage behaviors, pains, and joins
Q. What do you love most about your favorite hair/body cosmetics?
Q. How do you feel about trying new products?
Q. What kind of cosmetics do you enjoy shopping for? Why?
Number 4
Behavior change readiness
Q. How do you feel about reusable packaging in cosmetics?
Q. How do you feel about scheduled vs. on-demand exchange appointments?
Q. What kind of cosmetics do you enjoy shopping for? Why?
Plastic bottles
9 Interviews
2 Personas
Nine interviewees
Interviewee"There has to be a way to reduce how much we throw away"
Interviewee"The recycling is not a long-term solution to the problem"
Interviewee"I would love to make my home plastic-free"
Interviewee"How and where something is made is essential when I make decisions what to buy"
Are you concerned about using too much plastic?
Are you concerned about using too much plastic?
When making a purchase, what factors do you consider?
When making a purchase, what factors do you consider?
Do you shop online or use delivery services?
Do you shop online or use delivery services?
Do you currently use any subscription deliveries?
Do you currently use any subscription deliveries?
Miro board synthesis
Miro patterns board

All interviewees are concerned about the environment and would like to reduce their footprint by minimizing plastic consumption.


All of the people interviewed would love to contribute more toward reducing their environmental impact and found recycling problematic and confusing.

Most interviewees spend time educating themselves about the new practices and improving upon that information.


All personas will be ready to adjust their purchasing behaviors to reduce waste. They will be ready to make an extra step to solve the problem.


We learned that convenience is a significant factor in everyday purchasing behaviors for most interviewed people. Other factors considered included quality, ingredients, and where/how a product is made.

Only some of the interviewed people were not ready to adjust their behavior to reduce plastic use.


All personas will find plastic in cosmetics problematic as it creates too much waste, which is not easily recyclable and ends up in the landfill.


Most of the people tried to reduce their environmental impact by buying locally produced products or bigger packages.

Only some of the interviewed people did not have a concern with plastic or find no acceptable alternatives.


All personas will be willing to try bottle exchange service for their shampoos, conditioners, and body washes to reduce waste.


Majority of the people we interviewed would be happy to try a service as long as it is convenient. Most of the people preferred on-location exchange instead of delivery, as well as everyone would prefer an on-demand service.

Only some of the interviewed people were not ready to try the service.

this mean?
Number 1

People are willing to do an extra step to help save the planet and reduce plastic waste. A reusable, unbreakable bottle exchange service is a way to solve the problem of excess plastic use.

Number 2

People value quality ingredients and want products that deliver results. Offering well-known quality organic products as part of the service is essential to the success of the service.

Number 3

People prefer on-demand service that provides exchange opportunities in convenient store locations in the immediate neighborhood or in their places of work or study.

Plastic bottles

For decades, companies have used a material that lasts forever — plastic — to make things that we use for a short bit of time, sometimes just a few minutes, and then toss. By 2017, the beauty industry has produced 76.8 billion packaging units. While many of these packages are marked recyclable, only 8.4 percent get recycled each year. Shampoos, conditioners, and body washes are used daily in large quantities and produce a significant part of that waste. There are no safe and convenient alternatives on the market that would offer customers their favorite hair and body cosmetics in an environmentally-friendly way.


The solution to reducing the use of plastic containers in cosmetics is to offer a service that would allow customers to exchange their bottles conveniently. The app-based on-demand service would enable customers to choose between well-established brands known for their quality natural and organic ingredients. The well-established network of neighborhood locations would allow customers to select a distribution location close to their daily routes. The bottle exchange service will provide an invaluable opportunity to eliminate plastic waste from large container cosmetics and reduce the environmental impact each of us has.

Concept 1
Testing concept 1
Concept 2
Testing concept 2
Concept 3
Testing concept 3
Concepts and Feedback
Concept 1
bottle Size selection

Onboarding process determining the number of people in the household and the suggested bottle size. Sliders and animated bottle sizes are used to present the choice of the customer visually.


The sliding indicator is a nice touch and gives a visual idea of what is selected. The animated bottle is a nice touch. Users liked the idea of suggesting sizes.

Concept 1 testing
Concept 2

A grid of boxes is used to showcase a variety of offered products. A larger image and detailed description are also used on the second slide. Rounded corners are used throughout.


Rounded boxes are appealing but need to be bigger to contain more information. The information button is too small. The larger image and detailed information are important for selection.

Concept 2 testing

A detailed map shows the nearby pickup locations sorted by type of business. Colors are used to show different business types. Sorting by type of business is also available.


The category selection is not necessary. The favorite store option is convenient. Interactive navigation would be important for the success of the application.

Concept 3 testing
Customer journey modeling image
Six testing participants
testing synthesis
Miro boards with synthesis
Main takeaways
"Do I need to do this every time?"
blue arrow
After implementing feedback
on-boarding process

Testing participants had concerns regarding the necessity of this screen. Many felt uncomfortable sharing the size of their household. Therefore, this part of the on-boarding was abandoned, and the user flow now begins with choosing the size of the bottle.

"Where is the cart?"
Before implementing feedback
blue arrow
After implementing feedback
product choice

Participants found confusing the “SELECT” button. They also wanted to see an to add to cart option and view their cart before proceeding to payment. The info button was also too small to tap easily. Based on this feedback, a cart option was added and more information on the products was added to the main product selection page.

"I want more secure payment options"
Before implementing feedback
blue arrow
After implementing feedback
Payment options

Testing participants wanted more secure payment options in addition to credit cards. They also wanted an option to save their information for future use. In result, PayPal and Apple Pay were added as an option, and a checkbox to save information for future use was implemented.

"I want contactless ways to pickup"
Before implementing feedback
blue arrow
After implementing feedback
transaction history and receipt

Participants wanted an option to access their orders at a later time as well as a way to have a touchless transaction. Therefore, access to a list of all charges was added, and the QR code is also visible in the purchase receipt.

Final screen
Final screen
Final screen
Final screen
Final screen
Final screen
Arrow to the right

Let's get in touch.

If you are curious to learn more about my work and how I can help you achieve your goals, let's connect.

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OverviewPROCESSRESEARCHIdeationValidation and RevisionsReflection